2. The priest and the prophet anointed him during the title of the Lord; and thus signified that he needs to be endued with every one of the kingly virtues; that he need to reign by, underneath, and for the Lord. 3. The trumpet was then to be blown, and solemn proclamation made, that he was anointed king. 4. He was then brought and solemnly put on … Read More

L’Hôtel du Ministere est tranquillement caché dans le eightème arrondissement, à proximité des centres d’affaires et de mode de la ville. C’est l’un des lieux d’hébergement les as well as attrayants du issue de vue artistique, car il dispose d’une galerie d’art ainsi que d’une cour intérieure que vous pouvez utiliser pour cou… Read More